A pure and fruitful love

imagesHow do spouses live holy purity?
Spouses live holy purity by always using the gift of sexual intimacy as an expression of love for each other and with openness to the procreation of children. When sex is perverted by selfishness and a lack of proper sensitivity, intimacy is devalued, degraded and even destroyed.

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Our Marriage: Built on Love

Ian and Nicola

Ian and Nicola Lewis (with their 9th child due in April) share the joys and struggles of married life and describe the impact of Saint Josemaria’s teachings on their marriage.
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Personal Testimony

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The beauty of Modesty

imgresThe feeling and virtue of modesty refers initially to the safeguarding of the body. In a wider sense, it affects other aspects of privacy like one’s emotions. It is a positive virtue. It is the vigilant conscience which defends human dignity and real love. Education in this virtue consists in showing good example and explaining the reasons to live modesty, more than imposing concrete ways of dressing or acting.  Continue reading “The beauty of Modesty”

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On the rooftop

photoFor several of the couples, including my wife Lisa and I, it was the first time on the 4th floor building rooftop  which gave us a majestic view of the Tranquility tennis courts and the Queen’s Park Savannah.

It was, however, not outside on the roof but in the cosy room within, where Leslie was moderating the first case of a Matrimonial Love course, that our attention as well as that of some 20 other couples was fixed. Continue reading “On the rooftop”

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Safeguarding fidelity in marriage

images1. What can couples do to safeguard fidelity in their marriage?

To safeguard fidelity in their marriage, couples should form their conscience according to the truth about marriage and family life. Each spouse should examine himself or herself frequently on their efforts to be a better spouse and to overcome the obstacles that arise from their own egoism and personal defects. Continue reading “Safeguarding fidelity in marriage”

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