Marriage and the Media

  kids playing video games We live in a digital age. Parents should be aware of how their children are accessing and using the media products that modern technology has provided. Here is a brief Q & A on the topic for our families in Trinidad and Tobago and around the world who follow our blog.

1. What impact does the media have on marriage?

The media has an important impact on marriage because it influences public opinion about the nature and importance of marriage and because it is a source of role models for the conduct of family members.

   2. Why do professionals in the media have a moral obligation to support and defend marriage?

The mission of the media is to serve the welfare of the whole of society. As the welfare of the whole of society depends on the stability and quality of the family, professionals in the media have a serious moral obligation to support and defend marriage.

   3. How can professionals in the media support and defend marriage?

Professionals in the media can support and defend marriage by being, above all, family oriented in all their activities. They should find creative ways to help spouses to be faithful to each other and assist them in their task of building a home, raising children and caring for the needy members of the family.

   4. When is the media harmful to the family?

The media is harmful to the family when the content of its programs or the information that is provided encourages attitudes and modes of conduct that distort and degrade marriage, presenting them as acceptable or desirable. Some attitudes and modes of conduct that seriously degrade marriage, but which are often encouraged in the media are:
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  1. The right to divorce and re-marry.
  2. Premarital sex.
  3. Homosexual partnerships.
  4. Abortion.
  5. Artificial contraception and sterilization as a means of birth control.
  6. Viewing pornographic material.
  7. Violence (be it physical, verbal or psychological).
  8. Artificial fertilization.
  9. Choosing to marry because of good feelings rather than objective evaluation.
  10. What attitude should spouses have towards the media?

Spouses should recognize the many positive ways that the media helps society. Nevertheless they should be aware of the danger of misusing time overindulging in media products and of being drawn towards attitudes and modes of conduct, often encouraged in the media, which degrade marriage and the human person.

   5. What can spouses do to make good use of the media?

To make good use of the media, spouses should monitor and limit the time they spend with media products and censure the programs and material that enter the home. They should show their opposition to media products that are harmful to the family through the means available to them such as letters to the editor, TV interviews, boycotts and marches for example. They should use their professional influence to promote public policies that protect the family from these influences.

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Published by Mark

Chaplain for the Caribbean Institute for Family Development

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