The Sacrament of Marriage

1. What do we mean when we say that Marriage is a sacrament?

When we say that marriage is a sacrament we are expressing a revealed truth about God’s plan for salvation that, for baptized persons, union in marriage is much greater that the natural union between spouses, it is also an outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give the grace of the Holy Spirit.

2. All sacraments unite those who receive it to Christ is some special way. In the sacrament of marriage how are the spouses associated to Christ?

In the sacrament of marriage the couple is associated to Christ who is united to his Church by giving her a share in his own life through the grace of the Holy Spirit, having redeemed and sanctified her by shedding his blood on the Cross.

3. What special graces are associated with the sacrament of marriage?

Besides a greater sharing in the life of the Holy Spirit, the couple gain special graces to live out the supernatural meaning of family life. They receive grace to grow in love and to exercise the virtues associated with an intimate communion of life: generosity, patience, understanding, cheerfulness etc.

4. What are the material elements or things that are needed to make up the sacrament (In theology this is called the matter of the sacrament)?

The material elements or things that are needed to make up the sacrament are the living bodies of the Christian spouses.

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The words and gestures which, together with the matter, make up the sacrament are those that manifest the free exchange of consent before a legitimate minister, ordinarily a priest or deacon, and two witnesses.

6. What is the role of the minister and the witnesses?

The priest (or deacon) who assists at the celebration of a marriage receives the consent of the spouses in the name of the Church and gives the blessing of the Church. The presence of the witnesses together with the minister visibly expresses the fact that each marriage impacts on the life of the entire Church community.

7. What is the significance of the first sexual act after the wedding?

The first sexual act after the wedding consummates the marriage. This means that the union established by mutual consent is materialized or ‘incarnated’ in the union of the bodies of the spouses. This perfects the sign.

8. Why is it fitting that marriage be celebrated in public manner?

It is fitting that marriage be celebrated in public manner because marriage establishes the couple in a public state of life in society and in the Church with corresponding rights and duties. For Catholics, marriage ought to be celebrated in the framework of a liturgical celebration, before a priest or an authorized minister, other witnesses, and the assembly of the faithful. For Catholics, the approved form of celebration is a requirement for a valid marriage.

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Published by Mark

Chaplain for the Caribbean Institute for Family Development

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