Sex Education at Home

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Education in chastity is aimed at teaching individuals to understand and administer their sexual powers according to the truth about human love. This demands a deep appreciation of the dignity of sex and a profound respect for human life.
Who are primarily responsible for education in chastity?
Parents are primarily responsible for the education of their children in chastity.

How should education in chastity be transmitted?

Education in chastity should be transmitted in the context of a personal dialogue between parents and their children characterized by trust and openness. Parents should anticipate the natural curiosity of their children to ensure that they are properly instructed from the first moment and that they are never afraid to openly turn to them with questions concerning this matter.

What are some of the recommended norms for educating about sex?

Some recommended norms for educating about sex are:

  1. The truth about the dignity of human love and human life ought to guide each moment of education for love.
  2. Only information proportionate to each phase of the child’s development should be presented.
  3. No material of an erotic nature should be presented to children or young people of any age, neither individually nor in a group.
  4. The natural modesty and sense of privacy of the child should be respected.

How can educators outside the home help in education in chastity?

Educators outside the home collaborate with the parents but can never substitute them in this particularly delicate and important task. Parents ought to be particularly vigilant to ensure that the education about sex that their children receive outside the home is in accordance with natural prudence and sound moral principles.

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Published by Mark

Chaplain for the Caribbean Institute for Family Development

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