The Miracle of Life

Not long ago, the first nine months of human life were a mystery to all. Only in recent years have scientific and technological advances allowed us to directly observe life as it develops within the womb.

We know today with scientific certainty that at the moment of conception when the chromosomes of the father and mother unite, a single, unique human life begins. The new life is one cell containing the complex genetic blueprint for every detail of its development.

The subsequent unfolding of human life in the womb is an extremely advanced process of ordering and interaction with the womb. It reveals a level of control and information handling far beyond what the human mind can fathom. It is a wonder of nature, a miracle each time.

At three weeks, before the mother may even be aware of the new life within her, the tiny human being already has the beginnings of eyes, spinal cord, nervous system, lungs, stomach and intestines. The primitive heart, which began beating at about 18 days, now pumps more confidently.

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At eighteen weeks (four and a half months), the child is active and energetic, flexes muscles, punches and kicks. Now the mother feels the child’s movements. Before modern science, some said that at this time – the time of “quickening” life begins. But the child’s development actually began at conception, 18 weeks earlier!

The more we know the more clearly we understand that the life of the child is not the mother’s life, but a separate individual life from conception. The child has as much right to this life as the mother to hers, or as any other human beings of any age have to theirs.

This right to life is the most fundamental right of every human being. To violate this right by taking an innocent life at any stage of development is a crime against God and humanity.

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Published by Mark

Chaplain for the Caribbean Institute for Family Development

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