Saint Gianna

Blessed Gianna (1922-1962) is a contemporary of many, many people; maybe even of yourself and/ or your parents.

Gianna Beretta was a vibrant young woman who loved to ski and hike the mountains of her native Northern Italy. She was devoted to Catholic Action most of her short life.

She was a poor student as a young girl, but turned her scholastic life around for the love of God. She liked fine clothes, enjoyed the theatre, the opera, concerts, and wholesome movies.

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Above all, she had a deep respect for God’s wonderful gift of human life: she gave her own life in order that her last daughter might live.

Gianna Beretta Molla was canonized by the Holy Father, John Paul II, on 16th May 2004 in St Peter’s Square in Rome. The Pope proposed her as a contemporary model for married love: “May our age be able to rediscover, through the example of Gianna Beretta Molla, the pure, chaste and fruitful beauty of married love, lived as a response to the divine call!”

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Published by Mark

Chaplain for the Caribbean Institute for Family Development

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