Husband and wife are among the blessed in heaven

On Sunday 21 October, 2001, the Holy Father beatified Luigi (1880 – 1951) and Maria (1884 – 1965) Beltrame Quattrocchi of Rome, the first husband and wife in modern history to be beatified.

The new blesseds, who had four children, were married for 50 years. Maria was a teacher and writer on educational topics, and committed to groups such as Catholic Action and the Scouts.

Luigi was a lawyer who became deputy attorney general of Italy.

Of the couple’s four children, two became priests and one became a nun who has since passed away. The three living children who attended the ceremony never considered their family life as extraordinary in any way.

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Through their married life the Quattrocchi couple attained a high level of spirituality. Despite their busy schedule, the day only began after morning Mass. The intensity of their love emerges in the many letters they wrote to one another, which their children have been able to find and put in order.

“When my father would go on a trip to Sicily”, explains Fr. Paulino for example, ” sooner had he arrived in Naples than he would send a message, in which he told his wife how much he missed her”.

The children do not recall any fights between their parents, even though they had their disagreements at times. Their contrasts in ways of seeing things was always about secondary things and afterward they would apologise to each other.

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Published by Mark

Chaplain for the Caribbean Institute for Family Development

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1 Comment

  1. Reading about holy married couples who live normal but Christian lives is always encouraging
    We need so much more of this

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