Parenting: What works and why

Jim Stenson is an educational consultant specialising in family life. For more than 25 years he has been writing on the subject of parenting and speaking to audiences of young couples in nearly every major city around the world.

Jim Stenson will be visiting Trinidad in a few weeks time on the invitation of the Caribbean Institute for Family Development. He will be the presenter at a conference planned for Thursday, February 10, at the St Dominic’s Pastoral Centre Auditorium, Morne Coco, Diego Martin.

Drawing on his many years’ experience with families he will give many concrete, practical examples of why parental unity is critical. “Children growing up today need balanced and unified direction from both their parents in order to grow in conscience and character…Experience shows that father and mother working as partners, make different but complimentary contributions to children’s development.”

This conference will discuss how successful parents work together to form their children’s minds and hearts, thus leading their sons and daughters through adolescence to responsible adulthood. His is a message of hope for fathers and mothers today. For many parents of younger children the prospect of dealing with children later as adolescents causes some concern and even anxiety. Parents wonder how they and their children will cope with the common peer-group pressure and other temptations toward materialism. Jim Stenson will attempt to explain how conscientious parents have taken steps with their young children to head off these future problems and even avoid them altogether.  He will show how parents and their teens, despite society’s pressures, come to enjoy an excellent trusting relationship.

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Interested couples can register for the conference at either the St Dominic’s Pastoral Centre or Living Water Bookshop or by e-mail to:



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Published by Mark

Chaplain for the Caribbean Institute for Family Development

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